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Early Language & Literacy KnowledgeBase

This KnowledgeBase archive includes content and external links that were accurate and relevant as of September 30, 2019.

The Early Language and Literacy KnowledgeBase is an online resource supporting language and literacy development in early learners from birth through age eight. Its focus is to support parents and caregivers in helping early learners with their language and literacy development, and teachers in enhancing their instruction for early learners from pre-Kindergarten through Grade 3.

Sub-task 2: Learning Through Art



Position Statement on Early Childhood Art Education

This link is a position statement on early childhood art education adopted by the National Art Educators Association.


Art and art in Early Childhood: What Can Young Children Learn "a/Art Activities?"

Authored by Anna M. Kindler, this article provides a justification for art activities in early childhood education.


Art: Essential for Early Learning

This link is to a position paper by the Early Childhood Art Educator's (ECAE) Issues Group of the National Art Education Association.


Learning Through Arts

Authored by Ellen Booth Church, this article explores the benefits derived learning through arts.


National Art Education Association

This link is to the website of the National Art Education Association.


Promoting Creativity for Life Using Open-Ended Materials

This article from the July 2004 issue of Young Children identifies seven benefits from encouraging early learners creativity using open-ended materials.


Young Children and the Arts: Making Creative Connections

This link is to the report of the Task Force on Children's Learning and the Arts. The task force was an activity of the Arts Education Partnership (formerly known as the Goals 2000 Arts Education Partnership) formerly administered by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies through a cooperative agreement with the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S. Department of Education. Though the report dates to 1998 it provides developmentally appropriate benchmarks for arts activities, birth to age 8. Parents, caregivers, and educators of early learners may find the content useful.