This KnowledgeBase archive includes content and external links that were accurate and relevant as of September 30, 2019.
The Positive Learning Climates KnowledgeBase is an online resource to aid educators in nurturing school climates conducive to learning. It is organized around five elements aimed at developing a positive learning climate.
Task 4: Identify Non-Financial Resources
Guideline: Non-financial resources can play a crucial role in accomplishing goals. Such resources may include the time parents are able to give to school activities and/or be involved with their child's or children's schoolwork and capabilities that exist in the community that people are willing to share with the school. The principal's role is to nurture relationships so people are willing to be involved and share their time.
In identifying these non-financial resources, the principal should keep in mind people will have abilities that might not be apparent on the surface. As the principal interacts with others and identifies local resources, he or she should have a means of compiling and retaining contact information and associated capabilities.