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Response to Intervention KnowledgeBase

This KnowledgeBase archive includes content and external links that were accurate and relevant as of September 30, 2019.

The Response to Intervention KnowledgeBase is an online resource supporting educators in understanding and implementing the response to intervention (RTI) model. The National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) has identified four stages in the implementation of evidence-based strategies such as RTI. The first stage is Exploration, and it involves consideration of the essential components of RTI models and the district or school's readiness to implement an RTI model with fidelity. During the second stage, Installation, a district or school selects an RTI model and works actively to put in place all of the supports necessary for implementing the essential components. These supports can include staff member training, policies, implementation guides, forms, assessments, instructional programs, and software. The third stage is Initial Implementation, and it involves implementing the essential components. Initial Implementation can involve just a few components or teachers, and then implementation expands over time. When the majority of teachers are implementing all components of RTI with fidelity, the district or school is in the fourth stage, called Full Implementation. This KnowledgeBase is geared primarily toward those in the Exploration and Installation stages, with some resources for those in the Initial Implementation stage.

Task 2: Learn About the Research Supporting Data-Based Decision-Making

Guideline: To improve student achievement through progress monitoring, teachers need to be aware of the research on using data to support instruction. This task provides resources on research supporting data-based decision-making.



Using Data to Guide Action for School Improvement: Facilitator’s Guide

This 2014 guidebook was created through the collaboration between the Nebraska Department of Education, the North Central Comprehensive Center at McRel and ESU #1 in Wakefield, Nebraska, to provide standardization of data analysis procedures for use in schools statewide. The guidebook will asist readers to lead data teams, the stages of data analysis and the decision-making process.


Improving Education Practice Through Data Use: Data-Driven Decision-Making

This paper features the research on data use by Jeffrey Wayman, Ph.D., of the University of Texas' College of Education Department of Educational Administration and other collaborative teams. As noted at the University of Texas' website, it "provides resources to support the effective use of educational data at the K-12 level."

Using Data: The Math's Not the Hard Part

This link to the Center for Comprehensive School Reform's September 2006 Issue Brief highlights research on collecting and using data to improve student achievement. 

Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making

This link is to an Institute of Education Sciences (IES) What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) practice guide on the use of student achievement data. As noted in the document's overview, "The purpose of this practice guide is to help K-12 teachers and administrators use student achievement data to make instructional decisions intended to raise student achievement."


The Data-Informed District: Research on Using Data to Inform Practice - A 2012 Webinar

This bridge event webinar, “The Data-Informed District,” was hosted by the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Southwest on December 5, 2013. Jeffrey C. Wayman, Ph.D., an award-winning researcher and education consultant, presents research on the effective use of data to improve district, school and classroom practice. Drawing upon his three-year study with three Texas school districts, Wayman discusses five components of the Data-Informed District, as well as the research base behind the components and the barriers and facilitators for implementing them.



Best Practices for Better Schools 2011

This National Association for Elementary School Principals (NAESP) white paper focuses on student assessment with the permission of the Department of Education's Doing What Works (DWW).

Case Study of Roosevelt High School: PBIS Use of Data-driven Decision Making

The University of Texas Collaborative Urban Leadership Project Dallas Cohort conducted a study at Roosevelt High School with Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) teams to insure successful implementation. This case study shows the role of effective PBIS and the use of data-driven decision making.

ISSUE Brief: Using Data; The Math's Not the Hard Part

In this 2006 The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement (CCSRI) article, author Craig Jerald highlights research collected in the July 2005 issue of Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk to argue collecting and using data to increase student achievement.