Parent Page: Educational Services id: 32088 Active Page: Identify Teacher Leader Education Programid:32157

Teacher Leader KnowledgeBase

This KnowledgeBase archive includes content and external links that were accurate and relevant as of September 30, 2019.

The Teacher Leader KnowledgeBase aims to raise awareness of the teacher leader role at the district level and to support teachers aspiring to the teacher leader role through master's degree-level university programs.

Task 2: Identify Teacher Leader Education Programs

Guideline: To recruit teacher leaders effectively, district leadership needs an awareness of educational programs providing coursework associated with the teacher leader role. This task provides information on such educational programs.



Quality Principles for Educational Leadership Programs

This link is to the Teacher Education Accreditation Council's quality principles for educational leadership programs. Being aware of these principles may be useful when considering enrollment in a graduate program offering a master's degree or certificate in teacher leadership.


Teacher Leader Education Programs

This resource provides a compilation of postgraduate programs offering either a master's degree or certificate in teacher leadership. This is not a comprehensive list of all such programs. It is offered for information purposes only. The programs have not been reviewed by and are not endorsed by the Comprehensive Center.