Cutting-Edge Training
The National Center for Disability Education and Training (NCDET) designs and delivers cutting-edge training to staff of employment providers in a variety of competency-based courses leading to certification. The methods of training range from classroom to accessible multimedia products marketed across the United States.
NCDET has delivered training under this contract since 1987 and has prepared thousands of Employment Training Specialists to provide employment supports to individuals with significant disabilities.
NCDET has the capacity to deliver customized employment training anywhere in the United States.
DRS - Department of Rehabilitation Services
Our departmental function is to provide specialized trainings for agencies contracting with the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services. Our services are also available to non-contracting agencies, as well as individuals in the community seeking information and assistance in the field of supported employment.
DRS Employment Consultant Training
This training is designed to assist employment support professionals providing vocational services to individuals with disabilities. It is a four-day session that includes:
- A conceptual framework for conducting vocational services
- Required skills for assisting people with disabilities in their efforts to find and keep employment
- Career exploration resources to aid individuals with job selections and employment services
- Methods to ensure successful job matching
- Ways to develop job success plans
- Devising effective training plans
- Developing good marketing strategies

DRS Employment Consultant Training is designed for employment support professionals, case managers, residential counselors, clubhouse staff, and anyone assisting people with disabilities in their endeavors to find and keep employment. It is a required class for all employment support professionals employed by agencies with contracts funded by the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitative Services.
This training is conducted in cooperation with DRS staff. It provides a unique opportunity to learn specific skills needed for successfully assisting people with disabilities in securing and keeping employment. This training meets DRS specified requirements.
Job Club Train-the-Trainer Training
Job Club Train-the-Trainer is a comprehensive, one-day seminar designed to allow those working with people with disabilities to assist their efforts to gain knowledge and prepare for the job search process. It covers a wide variety of topics, such as:
- Skill evaluation
- Where to look for work
- Preparing a resume and references
- Personal appearance
- The interviewing process
- Professional follow-up
Effective Training at Work
Effective Training at Work, an online course for job trainers, covers the essentials needed for supported employment job instruction.
This course provides interactive instruction in all of the basics needed to produce successful supported employment training outcomes. The learner will experience mini-lectures, training demonstrations, and advice from veteran job coaches, employers, and support workers.
Quizzes, tracking, and testing are a plus for supervisors and funding agencies. Some of the 12 topics include: Natural Supports, Know Before You Go, Training Process, Tools and Techniques, Task Analysis, Prompting, Reinforcement, Fading, and Do’s and Don'ts.
Participants will gain knowledge needed to impact successful employment outcomes.
Positive Behavior Support
This course is focused on the development of effective strategies to understand and address challenging behaviors.