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Formative Assessment - Setting the Stage

The Central and South Central Comprehensive Centers' (C3/SC3) Formative Assessment Bi-Regional Advisory Board, in partnership with the Center on Standards and Assessment Implementation (CSAI), presented a series of four webinars Setting the Stage for Formative Assessment.

State Agency's Role

This webinar focuses on how the state educational agency can support statewide implementation of high-quality formative assessment by fulfilling their role in setting the stage for formative assessment at the local level.

The first webinar in this series aims to help participants:

  • Understand how formative assessment fits into a comprehensive assessment system
  • Define formative assessment as an instructional practice
  • Illustrate the formative assessment process as it is implemented during the school year
  • Explain how formative assessment is represented in ESSA

Associated Documents

  1. Comprehensive Standards-Based Assessment System: Achieving Balance
  2. Formative Assessment and the Every Student Succeeds Act
  3. Slides
  4. Transcript
  5. What is Formative Assessment?

District's Leadership Role

This webinar is targeted for school district central office staff members who have responsibilities for standards-aligned curriculum and instruction, assessment, special populations, professional learning, school improvement, ESSA implementation and state education agency staff members whose work with districts has direct impact on teaching, learning, student achievement and student growth.

The second webinar of this series aims to help participants:

  • Understand what formative assessment is, its role in a comprehensive assessment system, and its relationship to student outcomes
  • Learn how to develop a vision and long-term plan for formative assessment implementation in your district
  • Learn how district leaders can establish the culture, structures, and supports for effective professional learning about formative assessment

Associated Documents

  1. Assessment Knowledge and Skills
  2. Slides
  3. Transcript
  4. User's Guide

School's Role

This webinar is targeted to classroom teachers and instructional coaches, as well as administrators and district leaders in C3/SC3 states. Learning goals of the webinar include understanding what formative assessment is and the elements of formative assessment, learning how teachers can establish the culture, climate, and structures of effective implementation of formative assessment and building teachers' capacity of formative assessment implementation, including knowing where to find resources to begin formative assessment implementation.

The last webinar of this series aims to help participants:

  • Understand what formative assessment is
  • Learn how teachers can begin to implement formative assessment practices

Associated Documents

  1. Slides
  2. Transcript
  3. User's Guide

Classroom Teacher's Role

This webinar is targeted to school level leaders,, including administrators and teacher leaders. Learning goals of the webinar include knowing what formative assessment is and why it is important, considering school leadership roles in implementing formative assessment, knowing what formative assessment programs are available, learning about ways to support teachers in formative practices and considering vision and planning practices that support school implementation of formative assessment.

The third webinar of this series aims to help participants:

  • Understand what formative assessment is
  • Learn how school leaders can support formative assessment

Associated Documents

  1. Slides
  2. Transcript
  3. User's Guide