Parent Page: Educational Services id: 29716 Active Page: Integrated Framewordid:30963

SC3 Webinar MTSS for Success: Kansas' Integrated Framework

This 30-minute webinar will provide an overview of the Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) Integrated Framework.  The Kansas MTSS Integrated Framework combines academic, social and behavioral supports. As part of this integrated approach, screening and assessment systems are utilized to support early detection efforts across the early childhood through college and career ready continuum, as well as providing accurate assessment of student performance over time.

This webinar is especially for SEA staff members who work directly with PK-12 Educators—teachers, administrators, counselors, etc.—with responsibilities or an interest in ways to support children and youth using an integrated academic, social and behavioral framework. Also welcomed and encouraged to join the webinar are those who support educators at institutes of higher education responsible for educator preparation.

Associated Documents

  1. Agenda
  2. Slide Deck
  3. Webinar Recording