Parent Page: Educational Services id: 29708 Active Page: Opportunity, Access, and Belongingid:29712



We believe education is a path to systems change and improvement.

We believe everyone deserves access to high quality education.

We believe in the value empowered teachers, leaders, students, classrooms, and campuses.

We believe individuals and systems have a responsibility to confront inequities of access and opportunity for underserved and historically underrepresented populations.

EDUTAS offers a menu of technical assistance services, professional learning opportunities, products, and services focused on building cultural competencies and equitable opportunities for all learners. Our customized work directly addresses diversity, equity, and inclusivity issues including cultural capital and structural racism.

Contact us about developing and implementing a plan to better serve ALL of your students.

Key EDUTAS Learning Opportunities

Equitable Access to Excellent Educators Labs

Our experienced team facilitates Equity Lab workshops to prepare and refine state and local plans aligned with federal law and best practices, resulting in equitable access to excellent educators. EDUTAS collaborates with state and local leaders to conduct Equity Labs that include stakeholder conversations and thoughtful analysis of access data, root causes, and evidence-based practices to address access gaps.

Achieving Equity in Schools Seminars

EDUTAS supports classroom teachers, administrators, and community leaders to challenge racial inequities in schools while improving educational outcomes for all students. “We define educational equity as raising the achievement of all students while narrowing the gaps between the highest- and lowest-performing students; and eliminating the racial predictability and disproportionality of which student groups occupy the highest and lowest achievement categories” (Singleton, 2015). Achieving Equity in Schools Seminars are built on the evidence-based strategy of Courageous Conversations to explore why an examination of race, racism, and institutional racism is critical to closing racial achievement gaps.

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

EDUTAS provides technical assistance to support the design, development, and implementation of culturally responsive programming for your school, district, or state. Our work aligns with current research and best practices on culturally responsive pedagogy and cultural competence. Topics include teaching underserved and historically underrepresented students, relating to students of different backgrounds, leveraging cultural assets, and enhancing generational cultural capital.

English Learners

EDUTAS facilitates learning opportunities focused on evidence-based, culturally-responsive strategies for parents, coaches, and teachers of English learners (ELs).  EDUTAS offers two signature programs developed by Dr. Rosie Garcia-Belina: (1) The English as a Second Language (ESL) Coaching Model develops coaches of classroom teachers who serve English learners.  (2) Parents Advancing Readiness for Educational Success (PADRES) engages and trains school district parent liaisons and parents of EL students.

To learn more about improving the educational experience of English Learners and the requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), please visit our Archived Knowledge Base.

Students with Disabilities

EDUTAS’s work focuses on development of systems, programs, and processes that encourage, support, and facilitate active participation and inclusion of students and community members with disabilities. EDUTAS partners with content experts and training centers to ensure that all students, regardless of ability or disability, have access to excellent teachers, opportunities, and experiences.

American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians

EDUTAS facilitates learning opportunities focused on evidence-based, culturally-responsive strategies for parents, coaches, and educators of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian students. We partner with content experts and associations to develop and implement systems, programs, and processes that support Native educators and educators of Native children; counter bias through inclusive instruction; and promote academic excellence, Native language instruction, and cultural competence.

To learn more about improving the educational experience of American Indian students and the requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), please visit our Archived Knowledge Base.

Rural and Remote Schools

Challenges of rural and remote schools are unique. EDUTAS values the diversity educators from rural and remote communities bring to the profession. To redress these challenges, EDUTAS provides support for developing and implementing policies, programs, and processes that (1) attract, develop, and retain excellent educators, (2) support the academic and social/emotional development of students, (3) connect educators in a professional network of learning and support, (4) use resources effectively and efficiently. EDUTAS collaborates with rural districts to plan and deliver job-embedded professional development. We leverage virtual tools to provide online professional learning, and our experts are also available to provide face-to-face instruction in rural and remote communities.