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Congratulations OU Southwest Prevention Center!

Congratulations OU Southwest Prevention Center!

Published: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The OU Southwest Prevention Center’s Regional and Community programs department is proud to report that our recent DEA October drive through medication and sharps takeback event was a resounding success! At our drive through event, we collected 325 lbs. of medication and 278 lbs. of sharps. We gave out 146 home medication disposal kits, 35 medication lock boxes, and several large boxes of naloxone (opioid reversal drug) to Cleveland County residents. These types of events allow the community to dispose of unused and old or expired medications in their home as well as provide an opportunity to dispose of sharps or types of medical waste safely and effectively. At this October 2024 event, we increase our county locations to four with a location at the Norman Veteran’s Center. There was a need to have a safe option for disposal for our veteran population in Cleveland County. We have also found out that the McClain County Health Department will partner with the Community Alliance of Resources for Everyone Community Coalition (C.A.R.E) and the OU Southwest Prevention Center to host a DEA take back event at locations in McClain County in April 2025!


The OU Southwest Prevention Center’s Regional and Community programs department has partnered with Purcell Municipal Hospital in McClain County to install a MedSafe permanent medication disposal bin in their pharmacy this weekend. We are excited about this opportunity, because it gives more options to McClain County residents to keep their homes safe from accident poisonings.