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Introducing Dr. Nicole Watkins

Introducing Dr. Nicole Watkins

Published: Thursday, August 8, 2024

Dr. Nicole Watkins is the new director of the Center for Early Childhood Professional Development (CECPD).

Dr. Watkins will continue to serve as the Director of the Center for Institutional Data Exchange and Analysis (C-IDEA) that houses the Consortium for Student Retention and Data Exchange (CSRDE).

Her 25 years of prior experience at the State Department of Education (OSDE), OU’s K20 Center, and public education has provided a strong background in professional development and early learning experiences. As a two-time graduate from OU, she is Sooner born, Sooner bred, and realizes the future is Sooner (rather than later). Her goals are to focus on innovation and capacity building to prepare the Centers for future development.